Website Privacy Statement

We are Woodthorpe Manor Nursing Home, a company incorporated in England and Wales. Our company number is 03215037 and our registered address is 1 Egerton Road, Woodthorpe, Nottingham, NG5 4FF

We are committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. We will continue to comply with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation ((EU) 2016/679) ("GDPR") unless and until the GDPR is no longer directly applicable in the UK, together with any national implementing laws, regulations and secondary legislation as amended or updated from time to time in the UK, and any successor legislation to the GDPR and the DPA (together “Data Protection Legislation"). We are the data controller of data you pass to us pursuant to this policy. Our Data Protection Officer can be contacted by telephone (0115 9206021), or by email (

This Privacy Policy [together with our website terms and conditions] sets out how we collect personal information from you and how the personal information you provide will be processed by us. By visiting the website at (the “Website") you are accepting and consenting to the practices described in this Privacy Policy. If you do not consent, please do not submit any personal data to us.

What information does Woodthorpe Manor hold and how will we use it?

Information you give to Woodthorpe Manor: You may give us information about you by completing enquiry forms on the website or by sending us emails. The information you give us may include your name, email address, address/location and phone number.

We will retain this information while we are corresponding with you or providing services to you or to a resident you represent. We will retain this information for as long as is reasonably necessary.

Use Made of the Information

Woodthorpe Manor may use the information we receive and/or collect about you to:

  • fulfill our obligations under any contract we have entered into with you or with a Resident you represent, and to provide you or the relevant Resident with information or services you or the Resident has requested.
  • send you newsletters and marketing information if you have consented to us doing so.
  • notify you of products and services we feel may interest you, or permit third parties to do so if you have provided the appropriate consent.

If we obtain consent from you to do so, we may provide your personal details to third parties so that they can contact you directly in respect of services in which you may be interested.

We will not share, sell or distribute any of the information you provide to us (other than as set out in this policy) without your prior consent, or unless required to do so by law.

Third Party Sites

Our website may contain links to third party websites. They are provided for your convenience only and we do not check, endorse, approve or agree with such third-party websites. We have no responsibility for the content, product and/or services of the linked websites. Please ensure that you review all terms and conditions of website use and the Privacy Policy of any such third-party websites before use and before you submit any personal data to those websites.



01. What personal information do we need to hold? 

  • Your past and current medical condition; personal details such as your age, address, telephone number, medical and treatment records, your general medical practitioner and dentist.
  • We may need to request details of your NHS number and entitlement to healthcare treatment
  • We may also need to request details of your exemption status
  • Any correspondence relating to you with other health care professionals, for example in the hospital or community services.

02. In order to provide proper and safe care we may need to disclose your information to:

  • Your general medical practitioner.
  • Your private dentist.
  • The hospital or community dental services.
  • Other health professionals caring for you.
  • NHS payment authorities.
  • The Inland Revenue.
  • The Benefits Agency, where you are claiming exemption or remission from NHS charges.

Disclosure will take place on a ‘need-to-know’ basis, so that only those individuals/organisations who need to know in order to provide care to you and for the proper administration of Government (whose personnel are covered by strict confidentiality rules) will be given the information. Only information that the recipient needs to know will be disclosed.

In very limited circumstances or when required by law or a court order, personal data may have to be disclosed to a third party not connected with your health care. In all other situations, disclosure that is not covered by this Code of Practice will only occur when we have your specific consent. Where possible you will be informed of these requests for disclosure.

03. Security

Your information is held in our computer system and/or in a secure manual filing system. The information is only accessible to authorised personnel. Personal information will not be removed without the patients authorised consent.

Your personal information is carefully protected by our staff. All access to information is held securely and can only be accessed by regularly changed passwords. Computer terminals are closed if unattended.

Your Rights in Respect of your Data

To request that your information is deleted or if you wish to restrict or object to the processing of your information, please contact us via email ( or by telephone (0115 9206021).

If you have any complaints about our use of your personal data, please contact us. You also have the right to complain to the relevant supervisory authority in your jurisdiction. In the UK, the supervisory authority is the Information Commissioner's Office. Contact details for the ICO can be found at

If you have any further queries or comments on our Privacy Policy, please contact us by the above email, or telephone.

Request Information Held

If you wish to know details of your information held by us, complete this form to let us know. We can then alter or remove if you so require.